Archivissima 2020: here we are!

27 May 2020

The COVID-19 health emergency caused the cancellation of numerous international events, but Archivissima is not among these. This year’s edition is confirmed from 5th to 8th June, and will be totally digital. All the institutions involved will take part through some podcasts that will be uploaded and distributed on the main audio platforms – Apple, Google Podcasts, Spotify. In this sense, Archivissima Goes Digital is an ambitious project, ‘a big audiovisual archive that will make all the participant institutions’ work available. It’s time for new experiences of sharing’.

La Notte degli Archivi (‘The Night of Archives’) is confirmed too: on Friday evening, June 5, viewers will be able to discover the most important archival fonds thanks to video contents that will be online on social media accounts. A rich schedule with unprecedented interactive potentials.

Archivissima 2020 is about women, and being a woman, as Simone de Beauvoir wrote in The Second Sex, is not a natural fact: it’s a historical consequence. ‘No biological, psychic or economic destiny defines the role it plays in society. It’s the combination of both history and culture to process that product’. This edition is marked by the urge of a crucial reflection, aiming to celebrate the female conquers in history and witness the importance of the processes of transformation that women have been able to activate in a lot of fields.

Fondazione FILA Museum sarà presente con ‘Donne, atlete’: un excursus che ripercorre la storia del marchio attraverso le sue più grandi campionesse. Le protagoniste danno vita ad un ampio, variegato affresco della condizione femminile contemporanea. Cinque podcast (realizzati con la collaborazione dell’Audio Maker Ted Martin Consoli e della voce narrante di Manuela Tamietti) racconteranno sette atlete. Deborah Compagnoni e Fiona May infiammano lo sci e l’atletica leggera e, dopo il ritiro sanno distinguersi per l’impegno sociale e per la capacità di reinventarsi professionalmente. Non teme i cambiamenti nemmeno Andrea Jaeger, enfant prodige del tennis internazionale che a sorpresa prende i voti. Evonne Goolagong e Kim Clijsters sono a loro volta tenniste da record, ma soprattutto donne: entrambe ritornano a mietere vittorie all’indomani della maternità, mettendo a tacere chiunque affermi che carriera e famiglia sono inconciliabili. La rassegna si conclude con la calciatrice Carla Overbeck e la cestista Nikki McCRay, atlete formidabili e fonti d’ispirazione per il ‘girl power’ sportivo. I podcast saranno online su e sui canali Facebook e Instagram della Fondazione a partire dalle ore 18:00 di venerdì 5 giugno.

An exclusive video will be premiered on the Foundation’s Facebook and Instagram accounts on June 5, at 8pm, on the occasion of the Notte degli Archivi event: realized with the support of director Michele Burgay, it’s going to be a unique opportunity to discover an incredible archive, thanks to rare, extraordinary pictures. With Donne, atlete, Fondazione FILA Museum gives its personal contribution to the redefinition of the concept of archive, turning it into a special mechanism of storytelling. In our FILA universe, clothing is just a starting point, because it’s not only about athletic feats, but also about changes in style, female rights and behaviour.


Born in Biella in the foothills of the ltalian Alps, WONNIE is a ski-loving white bear. Because he is from the snow­covered Alps, he is vulnerable to hot weather, and despite his size he has timid personality so he is always blushing. WONNIE is a gentle bear with heart of gold who easily find faults with himself even with small things but never blames others.