
5 May 2021

IED Torino x Fondazione FILA Museum

The project was about reimagining, along with ten groups of students, as many alternative visions of our museum. The originality and the complexities of the proposals made…
7 April 2021

Labels: Cotton

A gentle, discreet companion, gifted with the qualities of those who know how to always be there…since ever! Cotton fibers aren’t only friendly, they are also millennial!…
31 March 2021

Sources: the discreet charm of diapositives

In The Wheel, final episode of Mad Men’s first season run on AMC in 2007, American creative director Don Draper (Jon Hamm) is asked by Kodak to…
24 March 2021

Courtside: Silvana Gaida

Silvana, how did your FILA adventure begin? «I was very young, I literally did my time. I started in 1969, when the Maglificio Biellese factory was only…
10 March 2021

Labels: Wool

Because wool is a long-lived fiber, already adopted in Mesopotamian around 3,000 b.C. From there, it has spread in classical Greece and Ancient Rome: especially here, the…
3 March 2021

Sources: sales catalogs

Today, the myth of FILA lives thanks to the most refined digital technologies, but we have to think it isn’t always been like this. A specific category…
24 February 2021

Sculpture in the expanded FILA

Few people know that the motto ‘Less is more’, commonly referred to Mies van der Rohe, was actually invented by another genius of 20th century’s architecture, Peter…
20 January 2021

110: The red felt pen

But here I am, I’m here, I am matter shaping itself in an artist’s hands. I’m observing him at work, not everyone has the privilege to get…
13 January 2021

110: From behind the shrine

Am I dreaming? In this silence-soaked room, it’s a doubt that often comes to me. I observe the faces of the athletes on the walls, their arms…
12 November 2020

Capitale Italia: The 19th business culture week

Tradition is to keep the fire alive, not worhipping ashes Czech composer Gustav Mahler said once. That’s it: in the year of the health emergency that led…