
19 August 2020

Courtside: Ray Giubilo

Can I turn on the fan? It’s so hot, in here As we video call Ray Giubilo, he istantly engages us with charming openness. Born in Adelaide,…
1 July 2020

Meet the designer: Pierluigi Rolando

But Pierluigi Rolando’s memoirs are flaring, an atlas of words full of self-confidence, energy and passion. This ardour is the same that led him to create the…
24 June 2020

Sources: Biella and water

Because Biella develops on the slopes of mounts and some of them – like Massiccio del Bo or Mucrone – give birth to sources powering rivers in…
15 June 2020

110: Silences and champions

People around me don’t talk that much. Pierluigi was reserved, as I already told you. He created me silently, the only sounds I could hear were the…
15 June 2020

110: A Birthday

That’s how it all began, do you remember? After one month, I can confirm it: sometimes it seems I’m just dreaming. And thinking back to all the…
31 March 2020

1600 face masks to stop the virus

The distribution has immediately reached police officers, undertakers, city council members and volounteers; by involving the Department of Commerce, furthermore, Protezione Civile also aims to help food…
24 March 2020

To start again

In the context of the Covid-19 health emergency which is harshly striking Italy, Gene Yoon, President of FILA, has decided to express his personal closeness to the…