
An anniversary is often an occasion to take stock. On the day of our eleventh birthday, we reflect on the past twelve months, and on the projects and challenges that saw us evolve off and online.

19 October 2021

Twelve months ago our Blog published a post titled ‘An anniversary’, devoted to the Foundation’s tenth anniversary. During that period our wish to celebrate had to cope with the restrictions related to a peculiar historical period; such difficulties, anyhow, didn’t limitate our will to do and produce. While we were partying we had already started a bold program of digital events (from the Creativi in FILA contest to the the opening of our Virtual Room) that literally changed our identity.

The first part of 2021 has been devoted to collaborations with European Fashion Heritage Association, IED Torino, Archivissima, il Censimento delle raccolte e degli archivi fotografici: institutions with an international appeal that, even if related to tangible collections and activities, speak a 2.0 language. The results we got from these joint ventures have been thrilling and led to a new interactive, multidisciplinary era.


Meanwhile, the world has started to open up again. With receptivity and foresight, we ‘re-styled’ our museum, aware of the fact that people were willing to ridiscover cultural venues. We weren’t wrong: designers have been glad to experience FILA heritage in person, and visitors to be back in a completely renewed museum. Moreover, Summertime has shaped our conception of ‘expanded museum’, and between June and September our Summer School has entertained almost 1,000 kids, fascinated by our educational program inspired by sports and their values.

Wonnie in giro, tappa Bi-O

All these experiences have been crucial to plan Bi-O, the opening event of our Wonnie in Giro project, finally live after a long time. An outdoor weekend, led by two Ambassadors – Andrea ‘Lucky’ Lucchetta and Ciccio ‘GuardiaFILA’ Graziani – who have always been promoting a true, direct contact with people. And after months of phygital activities, we can assure you, being with people again has been great.

In re-evoking such feats we almost forgot one thing: today, October 19th, is our birthday. Today we celebrate our eleventh anniversary. Pierluigi Rolando, who was a fan of tarots, would have highlighted that since 11 starts a new numerical decade (10+1), it represents a change in front of a great force. Actually, after this year of projects and radical changes, why shouldn’t we face new challenges? Happy birthday, Fondazione FILA Museum.


Born in Biella in the foothills of the ltalian Alps, WONNIE is a ski-loving white bear. Because he is from the snow­covered Alps, he is vulnerable to hot weather, and despite his size he has timid personality so he is always blushing. WONNIE is a gentle bear with heart of gold who easily find faults with himself even with small things but never blames others.

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