Creativi in FILA

16 September 2020

When we launched our Achieve the Archive contest last spring of course we aimed to enrich our archive, but most of all we wanted to create an involved community, on and offline. Well, the results have been more than encouraging: during the past months you have swapped amazing items with us, also sharing stories, facts and personal experiences confirming how FILA lives in our audience’s hearts. Now that the decisive day is coming – next October 19 we turn ten years old! – we’ve decided to raise the stakes.

Our new contest is named Creativi in FILA and aims to identify, enhance and promote young Italian talents. ‘The peculiarity of this project is its total looseness in expressive terms’ says Vice President Marta Benedetto ‘and for this reason we decided not to put restrictions of techniques, genres or supports. We’ll consider visual artworks (such as paintings, drawings, graphics, etchings, illustrations, caricatures, sculptures, photographs, web art, videoart), writings (comics, poems, prose), sound projects, even textile and fashion works’. The contest is aimed at creative people aged 18-35 and residing in Italy, called to reinterpret a historical FILA line (a single one) chosen among three:

  • WHITE LINE, the first, great revolution that turned tennis in 1974, thanks to the matching details of the clothes and to the sponsorships of stars such as Adriano Panatta e Björn Borg;
  • WHITE ROCK, the line devoted to mountain lovers and to great climbers such Reinhold Messner, who reached the peak of Mount Everest in 1978 whithout auxiliary oxygen;
  • AQUA TIME, namely swimwear turning glam: the new iconic clothes have eminent artistic inspirations (designer Pierluigi Rolandowas inspired by Lucio Fontana’s Concetti Spaziali) and tech innovations such as the thick, high-performance ‘pelle d’uovo’ (‘egg skin’) fabric.

All the works, along with detailed textual and photographic documentations, will have to be submitted no later than 19 October 2020. A multidisciplinary jury will examinate the proposals and proclaim three winners and a Honorable Mention devoted to the memory of Pierluigi Rolando.

Whoever aims to take part in Creativi in FILA can find here, we encourage all the participants to write or contact us in case of specific needs in terms of archival necessities and curiosities. Once more we hope the response will be massive and passionate, but most of all we hope to see new visions of our universe: because the prominence and the longevity of a history is revealed in the eyes of those who are able to see it always in a new way.


Born in Biella in the foothills of the ltalian Alps, WONNIE is a ski-loving white bear. Because he is from the snow­covered Alps, he is vulnerable to hot weather, and despite his size he has timid personality so he is always blushing. WONNIE is a gentle bear with heart of gold who easily find faults with himself even with small things but never blames others.